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The By-product Plant of 6.78M Stamp Charging Coke Oven Battery was awarded to ACRE by JSPL, India
SOURCE:中冶焦耐 AUTHOR:acre_en DATE:26 August 2022
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Based on the trust in ACREs technology and good project management capacity, JSPL of India awarded the contract of by-product plant of stamp charging coke ovens with 6.78m chamber height to ACRE recently. Working as an EP+S contractor, ACREs scope covers engineering, procurement and supervision service of by-product plant. This is another cooperation bewteen JSPL and ACRE, after the first 6.78m stamp charging coke oven battery and 260TPH CDQ were awared to ACRE. So far, ACRE has provided our advanced by-product and gas purification technologies to Tata, JSW, JSPL in Indian market.

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