Emission Control
SOURCE: AUTHOR:acre_en DATE:18 August 2021
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  1、Emission Control Technologies for Coke Oven Battery:

  ACRE provides complete emission control and cleaning system for coke oven charging and pushing, including:

  • Smokeless-charging system combined with smokeless charging-car for top-charging coke oven

  • Charging emission collection system combined with stationary bag-house for top-charging coke oven

  • Charging emission transfer technology for stamp-charging coke oven

  • Oven door emission collection and cleaning system for top-charging and stamp-charging coke oven

  • Coke pushing emission collection and de-dusting system for coke pushing

  2、De –SOx and De-NOx of Waste Gas

  The coke oven waste gas De-NOx and De-SOx technology developed by ACRE can meet the requirement of the strictest standard in the world, including:

  De-SOx technologies:

  • Na-base dry De-SOx technology;

  • Na-/Ca-base SDA semi dry De-SOx technology;

  • Desulfurization with ammonia;

  • Wet desulfurization with limestone/plaster.

  De-NOx technologies:

  • Low temperature NH3-SCR technology;

  • High temperature NH3-SCR technology;

  • Oxidation absorption De-NOx technology.

  Integrated De-NOx and De-SOx technologies:

  • “Na-base SDA semi dry De-SOx + de-dusting + Low temperature NH3-SCR + (waste heat recovery)” technology;

  • “Low temperature NH3-SCR + waste heat recovery + Ca-base SDA semi dry De-SOx” technology;

  • “Low temperature NH3-SCR + waste heat recovery + ammonia desulfurization/flue gas heat exchange” technology;

  • Integrated De-NOx and De-SOx technology with use of active carbon.

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